Sleeper OS Wiki


Sleeper OS Installation Guide

Welcome to Sleeper OS! This guide will help you install Sleeper OS on your computer. Whether you're a beginner or just looking for a quick refresher, follow these easy steps.

What's a Partition?

Think of a partition like a virtual room in your computer. It's a space where you can organize and store different types of data. We'll set up a few of these rooms for Sleeper OS.

Basic Steps for Getting Started

1. Backup Your Data

Before we begin, make sure to back up any important files on your computer, just to be safe.

2. Boot from Sleeper OS

Insert the Sleeper OS installation USB into your computer and restart. It will automatically start the installation process.

3. Create Partitions

During the installation, you'll see a step about partitions. It's like creating separate spaces for Sleeper OS to live. Open GParted and make at least two partitions - one for the EFI system (500 megabytes) and one for root system (the rest of space that you want), the select them at the installer.

4. Choose File System and Mount Points

Assign a file system. It's simple, “ESP” for EFI and “/” for Root“. Just as simple as that!

Installing from Windows

If you're installing Sleeper OS from Windows, follow these steps:

  1. Download Sleeper OS: Get the Sleeper OS file from their website.
  2. Create a USB Drive: Use a tool like Rufus or BalenaEtcher to put Sleeper OS on a USB drive.
  3. Boot from USB: Put the USB in your computer and restart. Choose to boot from the USB.
  4. Follow the Instructions: Once the Sleeper OS installer pops up, follow the simple on-screen instructions.
  5. Partitioning: When you get to the partitioning step, follow the earlier steps.

All Done!

Congratulations! You've installed Sleeper OS on your computer. If you have any issues or need more help, check out the official Sleeper OS documentation for extra tips and troubleshooting.

Enjoy your new operating system! 😊

And... If I need to add my own user? (aside from "SleeperGuy")

Open your favorite terminal application and put:

sudo adduser your-newuser

It will ask you some things. Once it'is done, there it is! You can log in with your new user